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Herbs and Helpers ®

43A, Melbreak Avenue,
Cumbria, UK.
CA13 9AE.
Tel: 01900 826392 Text: 07761 489838
VAT: GB 366828748
EORI: GB 366828748000

Main Business

We supply medicinal quality KPC Chinese Herbal Products: Single Herbs, Classic Formulas as 5:1 Granules and Licensed Food Supplements as 300mg Tablets etc mainly business to business to qualified, insured practitioners in the UK and overseas. All KPC items sourced from the EU are guaranteed to meet/exceed current EU standards and have EU COA.
We also supply medicinal quality Medichin EU Certified 5:1 Single Herb Extract Granules, all independently tested in the EU and guaranteed to meet/exceed current EU standards and have EU COA. 
We also supply a small number of herbal products to the general public as a Retail Account allows.
An account is needed to view prices and purchase products.

HERBS AND HELPERS ®️ | Lorraine Hodgkinson AHG MRCHM | 43A, Melbreak Avenue, Cockermouth, Cumbria, CA13 9AE.  UK. | Tel: +44 (0) 1900 826392 | Text: 07761 489838 | Email: info@herbalmedicineuk.com | VAT no: GB 366828748